Bernhard Kayser

Bernhard Kayser ( born August 6, 1869 in Bremen, † May 11, 1954 in Stuttgart ) was a German ophthalmologist.


Born in Bremen in 1869 Bernhard Kayser took after high school to study medicine at the Universities of Tübingen and Berlin, which he completed in Berlin in 1893 with the acquisition of the academic degree of Dr. med. Immediately after Kayser completed an internship in Tübingen, before he took a job as a junior doctor in Freiburg im Breisgau.

As a result, Kayser joined as a ship's doctor on the North German Lloyd, before he practiced 2.5 years as a general practitioner in Brazil. After his return to Germany Kayser worked as a doctor in Bremen and Brandenburg. Kayser developed a special interest in ophthalmology, specializing in 1903 as an ophthalmologist. He went to Stuttgart, where he spent the rest of his life.

Kayser worked for many years as editor of the essay section of the Clinical Monatsblätter of Ophthalmology, where he verüffentlichte some of his original work. Bernhard Kayser is considered one of the pioneers in the treatment of eye diseases in Stuttgart. Despite its offentlichkeitsscheuen and restrained way, he was in his time the most renowned ophthalmologist in southern Germany.

Bernhard Kayser described in 1902 - a year before his colleague Bruno Fleischer - for the first time later named after them both Kayser- Fleischer ring in the cornea in Wilson 's disease.
