Bert Vogelstein

Bert Vogelstein ( born June 2, 1949 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA) is an American cancer researcher at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Bert Vogelstein received his bachelor 's degree in 1970 at the University of Pennsylvania and his Medical Doctor in 1974 at the Johns Hopkins University. After that he worked as a pediatrician at Johns Hopkins Hospital ( Internship 1974/75, Residency 1975/76, both in pediatrics ), before joining for two years from 1976 to 1978 at the National Cancer Institute. He returned to the Johns Hopkins Hospital, this time in oncology. In 1978 he became assistant professor there in 1983 and associate professor, he was appointed Professor of Oncology 1989.

His discovery that colon cancer develops from benign polyps ( the so-called adenoma -carcinoma sequence ), the screening method for colorectal cancer using colonoscopy has revolutionized. This sequence was proven by endoscopic polypectomy, which was first performed in 1969 by P. Deyhle in Erlangen / Germany.

Vogelstein was in the period 1994-2004, according to the Institute for Scientific Information of the most cited clinical physicians in the world.

He has received the Gairdner Foundation International Award in 1992, the Richard Lounsbery Award in 1993 and the Howard Taylor Ricketts Award 1994. Vogelstein received the 1998 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize from Columbia University and the William Allan Award, the 2000 Charles S. Mott Prize and 2011, the Charles Rodolphe Brupbacher price. He received the Pasarow Award, the Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Prize (1998) and the Prince of Asturias Award ( 2004). In 2013 he was one of the first winners of the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences.
