Beuronese Congregation

The Beuronese Benedictine congregation is an association of mostly German or German Benedictines and Benedictine monasteries. The congregation is under the patronage of St. Martin of Tours.


Origin of Beuronese Congregation is the Beuron founded in 1863 by Maurus Wolter OSB and Placidus Wolter OSB; already the first declarations of 1866 had an extension to a congregation in view. After further establishment of Maredsous (Belgium ) in 1873, the first Constitutions of the Congregation Beuronese of Rome were confirmed. Other start-ups abroad were made in the time of the Kulturkampf, as the community was expelled from Beuron. After returning more monasteries in Germany could be established in the following decades, so in 1893 Khajuraho, 1904 Gerleve, 1920 Neresheim, 1922 Weingarten, 1926 Neuburg and others. The recent start-ups were the repopulation of the Abbey Tholey 1949 and the founding of the monastery by Nütschau Gerleve 1951.

Even abroad, the Congregation committed to continue, including in Belgium, Austria, Portugal, Brazil and Japan; 1906, the Dormition Abbey was founded in Jerusalem. The start-ups outside of Germany and Austria broke up later, often for political reasons, by the Beuronese Congregation.

The first convent of the Congregation 1889, the Abbey of St. Gabriel was founded in Prague, which in 1920 was moved to Bertholdstein in Styria; it was followed in 1893 Maredret in Belgium and in 1904 St. Hildegard Abbey in Eibingen and 1924 the Abbey of St. Erentraud, Kellenried. Newer ups are Engelberg Abbey Thal ( founded in 1962 ) and monastery Marienrode (founded in 1988). More nunneries were recorded as already existing communities in the Beuronese Congregation.

At the beginning of the Congregation was headed by the Abbot of Beuron, who served as abbot of the Congregation. The consultation among themselves and the regulation of pending questions served the General Chapter, to which brought together the reigning abbots at greater distances. This system was aligned highly centralized; so had all the monasteries of the Congregation convent customs, daily schedule, service times and shapes take over as they were dictated by Beuron. The Erzabt system in 1936 replaced by the Abbot President - system; the General Chapter, which meets every six years, selects one of the reigning abbots of the Congregation for the period until the next General Chapter to the Abbot President. Thus the congregation was federalist, and the individual monasteries were able to develop more of its own profile.

1984, revised in accordance with the CIC from 1983 Statutes of the Congregation and the declarations for the men and the woman monasteries were approved. As tasks of the Congregation the statutes call to promote the observance of the rule in the monasteries, mutual assistance and joint management of tasks and problems as well as the exchange between men and women's monasteries. The General Chapter, consisting of the upper and elected representatives of all Member convent convents, all come together for six years. Since 2003, the representatives of the nunneries have full voting rights at the General Chapter.

The Beuronese Congregation consists of nine male and nine female monasteries in Denmark, Germany, Austria and South Tyrol. It includes some 250 monks and 270 nuns.


The abbeys Grüssau and Weingarten were abolished in 2010.


Erzäbte the Beuronese Congregation

Abtpräsides the Beuronese Congregation

  • Raphael Molitor, 1936-1948 ( Gerleve )
  • Bernhard thirst, 1948-1960 ( Neresheim )
  • Benedict Reetz, 1960-1964 ( Beuron )
  • Peter Borne, 1965-1976 ( Tholey )
  • Lawrence Hoheisel, 1976-1995 ( Grüssau - Wimpfen )
  • Albert Schmidt, since 2008 ( Beuron )

See also: Benedictine Confederation
