Bibliotheca dissidentium

Bibliotheca dissidentium ( Répertoire des non- conformistes religieux of Seizième et dix- septième siècles ) is published by André Séguenny in publishing Valentin Koerner book series, which deals with religious non-conformists of the 16th and 17th centuries.

The book series is one of the results, which was founded by Marc Lienhard 1975 at the University of Strasbourg research group GRENEP ( Groupe de Recherches sur les non- conformismes religieux of XVIe et XVIIe siècles et l' histoire des protestantismes ). The series deals with the life and work of religious outsiders of the Reformation period, which include among other Anabaptists, Spiritualists, sacramentarians, Unitarians and Anti-Trinitarians. The volumes that have appeared since 1980, include biographies and bibliographies of heretics and exponent of the Radical Reformation, which are often difficult to classify, and not always one of the known reformist groups can be attributed.

In the previous volumes published more than 80 individuals and groups from different European countries are presented. In addition to the biographies of individual religious nonconformists are their historical impact, as well as the reception and shown the history of research.

In addition to the biobiliographischen series appear under the series title Scripta et Studia other works that also deal with the phenomenon of religious deviance in early modern times.

The Bibliotheca dissidentium is part of a larger series, released under the name Bibliotheca Bibliographica Aureliana.

Volumes of the Bibliotheca dissidentium

List of published since 1980 in Baden -Baden in the publishing Valentin Koerner volumes

Volumes of Scripta et Studia
