Bitstream Inc.

Bitstream Inc. is an American software company, whose main areas of activity is the development of fonts, font technology and related topics. The company is one of the major font foundries.

Bitstream was founded in 1981 by Matthew Carter, Mike Parker and others and has its headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The company is listed under the symbol BITS on the NASDAQ.

The successful reverse engineering of the specifications of Type 1 PostScript font format by the company contributed to the publication of the official specifications of the format by its manufacturer Adobe Systems.

Bitstream offers over 1,000 professional fonts, some of which are also found in the font collection of products such as Corel.

Known writings of Bitstream are, inter alia, Zapf Humanist 601 ( Bitstream version of the Optima ) and free Bitstream Vera. Helvetica is offered at Bitstream under the name Swiss721BT. The online sales of Bitstream fonts partially effected via the subsidiary MyFonts.
