
Ansell Graumull ( Fukomys anselli )

The sandy graves ( Bathyergidae ) are a family of rodents ( Rodentia ), where they in the subordination of the porcupine relatives ( Hystricomorpha ) are classified. These are rodents, which are especially adapted to the subterranean grave and lifestyle; the most prominent representative is the naked mole rat ( Heterocephalus glaber ).


Representatives of the sand graves reach a body length of 8-33 centimeters. Particularly adapted to the subterranean lifestyle are the jaw and associated muscles of mastication, which is designed to be very strong. The incisors are very long and their roots can reach up behind the molars in the jaw; they are used as grave tool. Appendages such as the tail and outer ears are regressed, also the eyes. Most species have a short coat, the naked mole rat, however, is hairless except for a few vibrissae.

Way of life

All sand diggers live in self-dug tunnel systems, they dig using their strong incisors. They are vegetarian of underground tubers.

Sand burial can live as loners or in colonies. Especially the big deal, the colonies of naked mole rats, which may include up to 300 animals. These animals are also eusozial, so they live like social insects in a group of genetically closely related animals with a fertile " queen " of a few fertilizing males and a large number of workers.


Sandy graves today live in sub-Saharan Africa. A fossil species that is associated with the sand graves, originates from Mongolia


The systematic classification of the sand graves in the system of rodents is characterized by numerous special formations that have evolved primarily because of the grave end of life, quite controversial. The relationship to the porcupine relatives is well established, the sister group of sand burial is unknown.

The sandy graves include the following taxa ( according to Walker):

  • Mole-rats ( genus Fukomys ); eleven species Zambian Graumull, Fukomys Amatus ( Wroughton 1907)
  • Ansell Graumull, Fukomys anselli ( Burda, Zima, Scharff, Macholán & Kawalika 1999)
  • Bocages Graumull, Fukomys bocagei ( De Winton 1897)
  • Damara Graumull, Fukomys damarensis ( Ogilby 1838)
  • Mashona Graumull, Fukomys darlingi ( Thomas 1895)
  • Nigerian Graumull, Fukomys foxi ( Thomas 1911)
  • African Graumull, Fukomys hottentotus ( Lesson 1826)
  • Kafue Graumull Fukomys kafuensis ( Burda, Zima, Scharff, Macholán & Kawalika 1999)
  • Riesengraumull, Fukomys mechowii (Peters 1881)
  • Central African Graumull, Fukomys ochraceocinereus ( Heuglin 1864)
  • Zechgraumull, Fukomys zechi ( Matschie 1900)
  • Naked mole-rat ( Heterocephalus glaber Rüppell, 1842)
  • Silver Grey auger ( Heliophobius argenteocinereus )
  • Cape beach graves ( Bathyergus suillus ( Schreber, 1782 ) )
  • Bathyergus Janetta Thomas and Schwann, 1904
  • Cape Blessmull ( Georhychus capensis ( Pallas, 1778) )

After various molecular biological studies, it is assumed today that the naked mole rat is the most primitive type of sand burial (after Allard MW, Honeycutt RL 1992, confirmed by Walton et al 1992. )

Naked mole-rat ( Heterocephalus glaber )

Silver Grey auger ( Heliophobus argenteocinereus )

Mole-rats ( Fukomys )

Beach graves ( Bathyergus )

Cape Blessmull ( Georhychus capensis )
