Bourke Shire

- 30.1145.93333333333Koordinaten: 30 ° 6 ' S, 145 ° 56' O Bourke Shire is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of New South Wales. The area is 41,679 km ² and has about 3,100 inhabitants.

Bourke is located on the north Queensland border on the Darling River in the North - Western region about 780 km northwest of the city of Sydney. The area includes 29 districts and towns: Barringun, Beemery, Belalie, Boorindal, Bourke, Brindingabba, Cornerstone Community, Dry Lake, Enngonia, Fords Bridge, Grass Hut, Gumbalie, Gunderbooka, Hungerford, Janina, Lauradale, Louth, Mount Mulyah, North Bourke, Pera Bore, Rainbar, Rathgar, Toorale East, Warraweena, Winbar, Yantabulla, Young Erina Bore and parts of Byrock and Wanaaring. The seat of the Shire Council is located in the town of Bourke in the eastern half of the LGA, where about 2,400 inhabitants.


The Bourke Shire Council has twelve members who are elected by the residents of the LGA. Bourke is not divided into districts. From the circle of Councillor also the Mayor ( Mayor ) of the Council recruited.
