Bowline on a bight

The double bowline ( in mountain sports: a double bowline knot or short - Double bowline ) is a node in the mountain, which is used for backup purposes.


When climbing the double bowline is particularly easy to dissolving Einbindeknoten the harness. It is easy to open, even after frequent or large shock loading again. This makes it the perfect Anseilknoten sport climbing where the rope falls occur frequently. However, the opinion exists that is not so easy to control the node image is like that of the eight node. The figure eight knot is therefore recommended as Standardanseilknoten.

When Standplatzbau using a ( sewn ) tape loop of the double bowline is likewise used. He then forms - instead of an overhand loop - the " soft eye " in which the carabiner can be hooked.

The double bowline was once considered a kind of " chest " used. To secure but he is only appropriate if it can be secured from above. For example, when descending into a pit, or secured to a Jolltau or fall while climbing on the mast of a sailing ship. Here, a noose is placed around the chest, and the other diagonally around the chest and over one shoulder. It is important that the nodes close fit so that the can not slip out to locking.


As " chest "

As a substitute for a chest strap end of the rope is taken twice. The loop should extend approximately from the shoulder to floor. Then in the loop with the double rope one eye is placed. The long loop is almost pushed through the eye, so out of the loop two loops arise. The pushed-through end forms a small bay, which is placed over the two loops and all the nodes. The knot is tightened to the two loops.

Plug end through the hole

Evert bay over the node


Embed the harness

Descendants parallel


The end of the rope is pulled through the loops of the harness and attached to a loose bowline. The free end should be about 70 cm long. With this now the loop and the node is again traced in parallel. The double bowline must be carefully controlled and tightened.


  • As Einbindeknoten applies the figure-eight knot as a worldwide standard.
  • As mountains Help a lifesling or bowline is used in shipping and in rescue.
  • As makeshift for a " seat belt " means a seat sling is used better.


  • A similar node is twice the rescue sling.

