
Briscola ( brìscula in Sicilian, Briskula in Croatian, la brisca in Spanish) is an Italian stitch card game for two to six players with no color constraint, which is played with a standard Italian 40-card game. The origin year is in 1800. The game is also traditionally used and popular in Croatia, Puerto Rico, Spain and Portugal.

  • 2.1 Two, four or six players
  • 2.2 Three players
  • 2.3 Five players

The maps

A deck of Italian cards consists of 40 cards divided into four suits: coins, cups, swords and maces ( or rods ). Card values ​​range from one to seven, plus three face cards of each color: Dame ( Donna in Italian ), Reiter ( Cavallo ) and King ( Re).


The following is a table showing the hierarchy and the point value. Unlisted cards have no point value and have their place in the hierarchy in descending order of number of seven to two. The "Three" but has a special place.

It can therefore be reached a maximum of 120 points.

Number of players

Depending on how many players participate in a game, there are different ways to play Briscola.

Two, four or six players

Participates in an even number of players, one usually divides this into two teams (for the case of two players is unnecessary this division ). It should be noted that no two players on the same team sit next to each other. For six participants, all deuces must be removed from the deck before the start, so that all cards can be distributed evenly. The winner is the team that scored at least 61 points. A score of 60:60 is considered a draw.

Three players

In three participants each playing against each other. First, a (any ) must be taken two out of the game. The winner is the player with the highest score.

Five players

With five players participating in a combination of team and individual game is usually applied. Initially, all 40 cards are evenly distributed and then irritated, with the winner determined a card as " briscola " (random map). The one who has this card together with the winner of tempting a duo, however, may before and do not directly noticeable during the game. Thereafter, the individual stitches are played until all the cards are played. Because, first of all is not necessarily apparent to the players who do not have the hip trump card of who belongs to which team, one tries as many points from the opposing team by deception, etc. pick. It wins the duo when it reaches the previously hip score or exceeds (a value that is absolutely greater than 60); otherwise, the opponent wins trio.

Other variants

There is also a variant of the game in which the three - card is classified as "three ", ie the "Four " is beaten, but still ten points introduced.

In addition, there are computer ports of the card game for the PC ( Windows, Linux, and MacX ) as well as a mobile app.
