
Cajuata is a village in the department of La Paz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

Cajuata is the central place of the district ( bolivian: Municipio) Cajuata in the province Inquisivi and lies at an altitude of 1680 m on one of the tributaries of the Río de la Paz, which, coming from the capital La Paz ago Illimani vrbei in a northeasterly direction to the Río Beni flows out.


Cajuata is located on the eastern slopes of the Andes mountain range, the Cordillera Central at the transition to the Bolivian lowlands.

The mean average temperature of the region is about 19 ​​° C (see climate chart Cajuata ), the monthly values ​​vary only slightly between about 16 ° C in June and July and about 20 ° C in December and January. The annual precipitation is about 900 mm, with a pronounced dry season from May to August and a humidity from December to March.

Traffic network

Cajuata lies at a distance of 240 kilometers of road east of La Paz, the capital of the department of the same name.

From La Paz the paved highway Route 3 leads in a northeasterly direction 60 miles to Unduavi, then branches off the unpaved Ruta 25 in a southeasterly direction and reaches after 69 kilometers Chulumani. From there it leads through the village of Irupana after Cajuata and on to Inquisivi and Independencia ( Ayopaya ). After 412 kilometers, the Ruta 25 is true at Vinto on the Ruta 4, which achieved another fifteen kilometers Cochabamba.


The population of the town has risen in the past two decades by more than half:
