Cajuata Municipality

The municipality Cajuata is a district in the department of La Paz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

The municipality Cajuata is one of six Municipalities of the province Inquisivi and lies in the northern part of the province. It is bordered to the west by the municipality of Quime, to the south by the municipality of Licoma Pampa, in the southeast and east by the municipality of Inquisivi, and to the north by the province of Sud Yungas.

The municipality has 42 localities ( Localidades ), the central location of the municipality is Cajuata with 875 inhabitants ( 2001 census ) in the southeastern part of the county.


The municipality Cajuata is on an average height of 2000 m on the eastern slopes of the Cordillera Quimsa Cruz, between the Bolivian Altiplano in the west and the Amazon lowlands to the east. The region has a pronounced diurnal climate where the temperatures during the day tend to be more volatile than during the year.

The mean average temperature in the valleys of the region is 19 ° C (see climate chart ), the monthly values ​​move only slightly between about 16 ° C in June / July and about 21 ° C from October to March. The annual rainfall is more than 900 mm and falls mainly in the humidity from November to March and the arid period with values ​​below 30 mm ranges from May to August.


The population of the municipality Cajuata has decreased over the past two decades by about 20 percent:

The municipality had at the last census of 2001, a population density of 8.1 inhabitants / km ², the life expectancy of newborns was 61.5 years, the infant mortality rate was 8.4 percent (1992 ) declined to 6.7 percent in 2001.

The literacy rate for those over 15 years is 79.5 percent, and 88.7 percent, although in men and 68.4 percent for women ( 2001).

93.4 percent of the population speak Spanish, 34.4 percent speak Aymara, Quechua and 16.1 percent. (2001)

82.6 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 83.1 percent have no sanitary facilities ( 2001).

82.3 percent of the total of 1,925 households have a radio, 12.6 percent have a television, 18.3 percent a bicycle, a motorcycle 15.3 percent, 2.9 percent, a car, a refrigerator 5.5 percent and 0.1 percent a telephone. (2001)



The municipality is divided into the following four cantons ( cantones ):

  • Cantón Cajuata - 2,894 inhabitants ( 2001)
  • Cantón Circuata - 3,210 inhabitants
  • Cantón Huaritolo - 565 inhabitants
  • Cantón Suri - 1,088 inhabitants