
Callisia repens

Callisia is a plant genus of the family of Commelina family ( Commelinaceae ). The botanical name of the genus comes from the Greek word kallos for 'beauty' from.


The species of the genus Callisia are perennial, rarely annual or short-lived herbaceous plants with succulent leaves.

The inflorescence is formed differently. It usually consists of winding, which are combined in pairs. Showy bracts are absent. The sitting or stalked flowers are actinomorphic and hermaphroditic usually. Their three, very rarely two, sepals are hyaline occasionally. The three, rarely two, not each other verwachsenden petals are usually white or pink. The six stamens are reduced all the same, or nearly all the same or to three or one. The stamens are usually hairless, but sometimes bearded. The anthers are mobile and their connectives usually wide. The ovary is dreifächrig and rarely zweifächrig. In each subject there are two ovules. Very rarely is only one available. The scar is usually tiny brush-like or capitate.

The fruits are small capsule fruits. They contain seeds with a punktartigem hilum.

Systematics and distribution

The genus Callisia, is common in the southeastern United States in Mexico as well as in tropical America.

The first description by Pehr Loefling was published in 1758. The genus Callisia include the following types:

  • Callisia ciliata Kunth
  • Callisia cordifolia ( Sw. ) Andiers. Woodson &
  • Callisia filiformis ( M.Martens & Galeotti ) DRHunt
  • Callisia fragrans ( Lindl. ) Woodson
  • Callisia gentlei Matuda Callisia gentlei var gentlei
  • Callisia gentlei var elegans (Alexander ex HEMoore ) DRHunt
  • Callisia gentlei var macdougallii ( Miranda ) DRHunt

To this extent, the genus Callisia is not monophyletic.

Synonyms are Aploleia Raf. (1837 ), Phyodina Raf. (1837 ), Spironema Lindl. (1840, nom. Illeg. ICBN article 53.1 ), Cuthbertia Small ( 1903), Leptocallisia ( Benth. & Hook.f. ) Pichon (1946) and Hadrodemas HEMoore (1963).

