
Chanterelle ( Cantharellus cibarius )

The Chanterelle relatives ( Cantharellaceae ) are a family of large fungi from the order of chanterelle -like ( Cantharellales ).


The Chanterelle relatives form upright, often funnel-shaped fruiting body with hat and central or lateral stem. The fruiting bodies are soft and somewhat leathery. The hymenium is smooth to wrinkled. Characteristic for the chanterelles relatives is the presence of carotenoids. All members of the genus are trees with symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi.


The Chanterelle relatives are represented in Europe with two genera. The former third genus Pseudocraterellus has now been merged with craterellus. Some species of the genus chanterelles, such as the trumpet chanterelle were made ​​to the crater Ellen.

  • Chanterelles ( Cantharellus )
  • Crater Ellen ( craterellus )

Due to the presence of carotenoids are considered by some authors to the genera

  • Gold Abel Inge ( Haasiella )
  • Phyllotopsis
  • And leaved Gelbnabeling ( Chrysomphalina chrysophylla )

Provided to the chanterelle relatives.


The Chanterelle relatives include some popular edible mushrooms. Best known is the real chanterelle, along with any additional species of chanterelles and trumpet the dead are collected for consumption. The False Chanterelle ( Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca ) is not among the chanterelle relatives.

