Canton of Saint-Romain-de-Colbosc

The canton of Saint- Romain -de- Colbosc is a French administrative unit in the arrondissement of Le Havre, in the Seine -Maritime in the Haute -Normandie; its capital is Saint- Romain -de- Colbosc. Representatives of the General Council of the department since 1982 Denis Merville (UMP ).


The canton of Saint- Romain -de- Colbosc is 18,708 acres ( 187.08 km ²) in size and has (2006) 19,400 inhabitants, which corresponds to a population density of 104 inhabitants per km ². He is on average 107 meters above sea level, between 0 meters and 135 meters in La Cerlangue in La Remuée.


The canton consists of eighteen municipalities:

