Carlos Salazar Castro

Carlos Salazar Castro (* 1800 in San Salvador, El Salvador, † July 23, 1867 in San José, Costa Rica) was from June 23 to July 13, 1834 Jefe Supremo of the province of El Salvador and 30 January 1839-13 April. Jefe Supremo 1839 the province of Guatemala in the Central American confederation.


His parents, Francisca Castro Lara and José Gregorio Salazar Lara sent him in 1812 to Guatemala to make a high school diploma in Human Sciences at the Colegio Tridentino. After a study exchange Castro concluded his studies in 1817 at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala from and returned to El Salvador, where he joined the business and the administration of estates devoted himself to his family. In his later life he was a member of Fiebres and the independence movement.

His political career began in 1822 as Nachrückabgeordneter. Ten years later he became Jefe Supremo of the province of El Salvador, as well as Deputy President of the Central American Confederation, José Francisco Morazán Quezada. From January 30 1839 to April 13, 1839 he was Jefe Supremo of the province of Guatemala, after he had already been appointed as government ministers.

In 1837 he fought on the side of his friend Francisco Morazán against the servile or fashion Rados, the Partido Conservador then called itself. When the regime of Morazán was overthrown, Carlos Salazar Castro and Morazán met in April 1840 in Costa Rica in exile. Castro settled in Costa Rica down, stayed away from politics and opened a store in San Jose.

On July 23 1867 Castro died. His remains were transferred to the Cementerio de Los Ilustres.

  • Politician (El Salvador)
  • Born in 1800
  • Died in 1867
  • Man
  • Person (San Salvador)

Pictures of Carlos Salazar Castro
