
  • E Trapezium ( trapezium )
  • 1 spoke ( radius) 2 Elle ( ulna ) 3 metacarpal bones ( metacarpals )

The carpal bones ( carpal bones, AltGr. Ός os genitive οστού Ostu, Knoche ' and καρπός karpos, carpal ' ) belong to the short bones (ossa brevia ) of the skeleton. In humans, both wrists ( Carpi ) each consist of eight carpal bones, which are divided in two rows of four bones.


  • The proximal ( proximal ) series consists of (described from the thumb to the little finger ): A navicular ( scaphoid or radial carpal bone, formerly navicular )
  • E Trapezium ( trapezium or Os carpal primum )

The arrangement of the bones can be imprinted with the following features sets:

  • Proximal row: A Kahn, who drove in the moonlight in the triangle to the pisiform.
  • Be large polygon, polygon small, the head of the hook must: distal row.

Or in English with Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can not Handle or (clockwise) So Long To Pinky, [ pinky ] Here Comes The Thumb ": the initial letters of the words form the first letter of the carpal bones.

In the other mammals some carpal bones are species-specific re-formed or fused (or specific for other taxa ). So often lacking in horses the os carpal secundum. When predators radial carpal and carpal intermedium are fused to the radial carpal bone intermedio. In ruminants, missing the os carpal primum and are also the os carpal secundum and the os carpal tertium fused together.
