Cerro Chirripó

Cerro Chirripo


The Cerro Chirripo, with 3820 m the highest mountain in Costa Rica is located in the Cordillera de Talamanca.

He is also the highest point between Guatemala and the Andes of South America. On a clear day you can see from the top of both the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. The mountain is located in the national park " Parque Nacional Chirripo ". The park is best accessed from the village of San Gerardo de Rivas.


Up to the timberline at about 3400 m grow tropical mountain rain forests. The mountain forests of the Cordillera de Talamanca show strong similarities to the mountain forests of the northern Andes. Typical are evergreen oaks, many epiphytes, tree ferns and small bamboo species of the genus Chusquea. The mountain rain forest is also home to the Quetzal.

Above the tree line, one finds Páramo. The area around the Cerro Chirripo is the northernmost area where you can find this type of vegetation. Typical of the Páramo of Chirripo are low bushes and low bamboo. In contrast, absent here, typical of the northern Andes Schopf rosettes of the genus Espeletia.
