Cesare Danova

Cesare Danova ( born March 1, 1926 in Bergamo, † March 19, 1992 in Los Angeles, actually: Cesare Deitinger ) was an Italian film actor.


Cesare Deitinger, son of Austrian parents wanted originally to be a doctor, but quickly changed his mind when he was discovered by Dino De Laurentiis. In order not to get disadvantages after the end of World War II, he changed his German -sounding surname in Danova. After nearly 20 movies, which turned Danova in Italy, he returned to Europe the back, and wandered in the early 1950s to America.

Don Juan made ​​his U.S. film debut in 1955. As quickly as he had established himself in the U.S., shows the fact that he was only four years later, in 1959, second election of William Wyler for the title role in Ben Hur, the part but Charlton Heston had to leave. His most famous film in those days was still a monumental film - Cleopatra in the 1963 film Danova slaves Elizabeth Taylor embodied.

Danova was opposite Anthony Quinn first choice when it came to films and television series of the 1960s and 1970s, Mediterranean characters to occupy. His best known television series Bonanza, Solo for Oncel, Charlie's Angels, Trapper John, MD, Hart to Hart included, Airwolf or Murder She Wrote.

Cesare Danova was married twice, and had with his first wife, the British actress Pamela Matthews, two sons.

Danova, a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences had succumbed during a meeting of the committee, which met last preparations for the Oscars in 1992, a heart attack.
