
Spoken in

  • Quechua language family Wampuy ( Quechua II) Chinchay ( Quechua II b) Chachapoyas Quechua



Quk, queer ( macro language )

Chachapoyas Quechua ( Quechua: Chachapuya Runashimi or Kichwa ) is a variety of Quechua, which is spoken in a linguistic island in the Peruvian department of Amazonas in the provinces of Chachapoyas and Luya.

The Quechua was taken to the Inca period of resettlement groups in the territory of the defeated Chachapoyas. However, it was never spoken in the region.

The Chachapoyas Quechua is widely spoken only by older people is therefore a highly endangered Quechua variant. The current number of speakers should still be loud SIL International at about 6,000 people, and it is only spoken in Conila ( Luya province ) of all ages. Projects on intercultural bilingual education does not exist.

The Chachapoyas Quechua belongs to Chinchay - Quechua, but is due to some phonetic features a special position. So it has received, in contrast to the other Chinchay - dialects, the retroflex ch [ ĉ ]. Striking is the frequent contraction of words. This includes the conversion of original ay too long e and aw too long o As the only variant of the Quechua dialect Chachapoyas, the emphasis is always on the first syllable, which is also regarded as the cause of the contraction.
