Chamberlain (Uruguay)

Chamberlain on the map of Uruguay

Chamberlain is a village in Uruguay.


Chamberlain is located in the area of the department of Tacuarembó in whose sector 10 in Cuchilla de Peralta. Closest settlements are in the south of Paso de los Toros and Cardozo in the Northeast. In the east, the river delta ( Brazo del Cardozo ) of the Arroyo Cardozo extends. A few kilometers north of the town of Arroyo Guayabos spring and the Arroyo del Sauce, while the sources are located to the right side of Rio Negro tributaries Arroyo de los Molles and the Arroyo del Sauce in close spatial proximity.


Chamberlain West leads the Ruta 5 over. By the Chamberlain site performs the railway line Montevideo - Rivera.


In Census 2011, the population of Chamberlain 52, of which 26 male and 26 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay

Sons and daughters Chamberlain

  • Sara de Ibáñez (1909-1971), poet