Charles Edwin Herzig

Charles Edwin Herzig ( born August 14, 1929 in San Antonio, Texas, USA, † September 7, 1991 ) was Bishop of Tyler.


Charles Edwin Herzig received on 31 May 1955, the sacrament of Holy Orders.

On 12 December 1986 by Pope John Paul II appointed the first bishop of Tyler. The Archbishop of San Antonio, Patrick Fernández Flores, donated to him on 24 February 1987, the episcopal ordination; Co-consecrators were the Bishop of Dallas, Thomas Ambrose Tschoepe, and the Bishop of Lubbock, Michael Jarboe Sheehan. His motto was To Build Up the Body of Christ ( the Body of Christ, edify ).

His final resting place was Charles Edwin Herzig on the Rose Hill Cemetery in Tyler. The Diocese of Tyler awards annually to his dying day named after him Bishop Charles E. Herzig Humanitarian Award for special charitable use.
