Charles-Louis Havas

Charles -Louis Havas ( born July 5, 1783 in Rouen, † May 21 1858 in Bougival ) was a French journalist and founder of the Bureau Havas, today's Agence France-Presse ( AFP).

Life and work

Charles -Louis Havas is considered the founder of the news agencies. His work, he saw it, coming from abroad information for the national press translate. At such international news there was in the French media landscape at that time a growing interest. 1825, Havas decided to establish a company that supplied the press with news from foreign leaves. He soon became one of the most popular writers in the country. In 1832 he founded the Agence Havas as he dispatches to the French overseas mediated. In the field of advertising is Charles -Louis Havas as pioneers. The success of his company allowed him to conquer the local press with the establishment of an ad service, which took over the operations of the advertising business on behalf of the respective publication.


The phrase "This is a Havas " ( meaning: That's a lie, nonsense or rubbish ) is common, especially in Switzerland. The former French news agency Havas still lives today in many mouths because of their false reports during the First World War ingloriously away.

Pictures of Charles-Louis Havas
