Charles Masson

Charles Masson (* February 16, 1800 in London, † November 5, 1853 in Edmonton, Middlesex ) was the pseudonym of James Lewis, a discoverer and soldiers of the East India Company. He has discovered the first European to the ruins of Harappa near Sahiwal in Pakistani Punjab.

Early life

As a native Briton Masson joined the artillery of the armed forces of the East India Company in India and fought in the Battle of Bharatpur.

Completed Travel

When he was stationed in 1827 in Agra, he deserted along with a fellow soldier and traveled together with it by those parts of the Punjab region, which were not at that time under British control. In Ahmadpur they were rescued by Josiah Harlan and committed as mounted orderly for its expedition to overthrow the regime in Kabul, Afghanistan. After a short time, near Dera Ghazi Khan, Masson deserted by Harlan.

Masson was the first European to see the ruins of Harappa and described in his book Narrative of Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan and The Panjab and illustrated. He also visited as an agent of the East India Company, the North West Frontier Province and Balochistan in Pakistan.

Pictures of Charles Masson
