Cheri, Cheri Lady

Cheri, Cheri Lady is a song by Modern Talking in 1985, which was written by Dieter Bohlen. The song is 3:45 minutes long, on the B - side of the single is the instrumental version of the title. The song reached number one on the charts in four countries.


Cheri, Cheri Lady was released on September 2, 1985 as a single. It is the only single from the album Let 's Talk About Love.

The song also appeared in each compilation album of Modern Talking. In a new, remixed version of the title was re- released in 2001 as well as other hits of the group on the album The Final Album.


Cheri, Cheri Lady 1985 a number -one hit in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Norway.

In France, the piece for the sale of 250,000 copies was awarded silver. For the sale of the same number of hit received a gold record in Germany and was there to You're My Heart, You're My Soul and You Can Win If You Want the third number-one hit song by Modern Talking in a row.

Music Video

At the beginning of the music video Dieter Bohlen looking at a chess board with transparent balls. On one he sees that Thomas Anders with a Ferrari Mondial Cabriolet goes to him. Then goes planks to a mixer and operated it, and later other matters. He sings the song, here you can see a small pyramid. When the chorus is joined planks to Anders, sings and plays guitar with. Here also you can see a hand holding a pink sphere. While the band recites the song, some transparent balls are moved on the board. Then we see a cellist whose cello starts to burn later. In later scenes, the duo walked through the house; this one also sees a warrior, and as planks again working on the mixer, Anders plays in another room piano. In between scenes Bohlen also plays guitar, the duo once again goes through the house and sing in two microphones that are located in a room. Later, the pink ball, which was supported by a hand fragmented. At the end of the band leaves the house and sings the song in the open in front.

Cover versions
