Citrine Warbler

Bonaparte Warbler

The Bonaparte Warbler ( Basileuterus luteoviridis ) is a small passerine bird in the family of warblers ( Parulidae ).

Bonaparte Warbler reach a body length of fourteen inches and weigh around 16 to 17 grams. The wing length is 6.6 to 7 inches in the male, the female, 6 to 6.9 centimeters. Adult Bonaparte Warbler and young birds from the first year wearing an olive to olivbraunes head and top feathers and a yellow underside plumage. The top and bottom plumage varies only slightly among the subspecies. The throat is at the subspecies Basileuterus l richardsoni white. Differences between the sub- types can be found at the Superciliarstreifen. So the subspecies Bileuterus l euophrys has a broad yellow Superciliarstreifen, which expires up to the neck, narrow black crest side strips and a black eye line. The subspecies Basileuterus l striaticeps wearing a slightly shorter broad yellow Superciliarstreifen, the subspecies Basileuterus l luteoviridis a short yellow Superciliarstreifen which terminates behind the eye and the subspecies Basileuterus l richardsoni a short white Superciliarstreifen.

The distribution area extends from Venezuela through Colombia, Ecuador, Peru to Bolivia. Bonaparte Warbler inhabit in pairs or in small groups moist forests and forest edges with dense scrub at altitudes 2300-3400 meters.

There are five recognized subspecies:

  • Basileuterus luteoviridis luteoviridis ( Bonaparte, 1845) - Central Ecuador and Venezuela (Mérida )
  • Basileuterus luteoviridis striaticeps ( Cabanis, 1873) - Peru ( south to Cusco From the Amazon to)
  • Basileuterus luteoviridis euophrys PL Sclater & Salvin, 1876 - Southern Peru; From Puno to central Bolivia
  • Basileuterus luteoviridis quindianus Meyer de Schauensee, 1946 - West Columbia ( From Antioquia until after Cauca )
  • Basileuterus luteoviridis richardsoni Chapman, 1912 - West Columbia ( Antioquia, Cauca )

Some authors subspecies Basileuterus l is richardsoni seen as a distinct species.

