City of Devonport

- 41.183333333333146.35Koordinaten: 41 ° 11 ' S, 146 ° 21' O The City of Devonport is a Local Government Area ( LGA) in the Australian state of Tasmania. The area is 116 km ² and has about 24,000 inhabitants.

Devonport is located in the center of the north coast of the island and is about 210 km north- west of the capital Hobart. The area includes 15 districts and towns: Aberdeen, Ambleside, Devonport, East Devonport, Don Eugenana, Forth Side, Lillico, Melrose, Paloona, Quoiba, Spreyton, South Spreyton, Stony Rise and Tugrah. The seat of the City Council located in the district Devonport in the north east of the LGA on the coast, where about 14 000 inhabitants.


The Devonport City Council has twelve members. The Mayor ( Mayor ), his deputy ( deputies) and ten aldermen are elected directly by the residents of the LGA. Devonport is not divided into districts.

