Ciudad del Plata

Ciudad del Plata on the map of Uruguay

Ciudad del Plata is a city in Uruguay.


It is located on the territory of the department of San José in its sector 6 on the Río de la Plata. Just west of the mouth of the Río Santa Lucía is the city includes the clifftop, 19 formerly independent settlements of the area between the Río Santa Lucía and Río de la Plata to kilometer point 35 of the Ruta 1, which is also known as Rincón de la Bolsa. These include the towns of Delta del Tigre y Villas, Playa Pascual, Safici ( Parque Postel ), Santa Mónica and Monte Grande, which are now the Ciudad Barrios del Plata. About 30 km to the east is the capital Montevideo, as the satellite city of Ciudad del Plata is called.


The town was founded on the basis of announced on 25 October 2006 Ley N º 18 052. In 2010, there was also by reaction of the decentralization law, the Municipio de Ciudad del Plata, which also includes the nearby rural areas, including Wilson and Galland and its extension extends 39 kilometers of Ruta 1.


Due to the Ciudad del Plata Ruta leads 1 The city is an important industrial center of the country and has numerous been moved here companies. There is also one of the main sand mining areas of the country concerned. The Playa Penino the Ciudad del Plata also has a large, ecologically significant area in which a wide variety of bird species are resident.


The population of Ciudad del Plata is 31,146 (as of 2011), of which 15,204 male and 15,942 female.

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Uruguay
