
Red grid Ling ( Clathrus ruber)

The lattice pieces ( Clathrus ) is a fungal genus in the family Stinkmorchelverwandten ( Phallaceae ).


The fruiting bodies of the lattice pieces are initially spherical to ovoid (so-called Hexenei ) and are located underground, they occur later by the growth half out of the ground. The receptaculum is always intensely colored and divided from the base to, it may be related to the tip and through cross-connections ( anastomoses ) or be free, as in the squid mushroom. The first greenish, later black - olive gleba is located on the inside of Receptaculums.


The species of the genus are Bodensapriobonten.


The 20 species of the genus are widespread in the tropics and temperate warm areas of the world. North of the Alps introduced from Australia or New Zealand squid mushroom ( Clathrus archeri ), and introduced from the Mediterranean region to anthropogenic locations Red Lattice Ling ( Clathrus ruber ) occur. In North America Clathrus columnatus is found.

List of species


  • Http://
  • MycoBank: Clathrus, Result of query