Cobalt(II) nitrate

  • Cobalt nitrate
  • Cobalt ( II) nitrate


  • 2.49 g · cm -3 ( anhydrous)
  • 1.88 g · cm -3 ( hexahydrate)

55 ° C ( crystalline water)

100-105 ° C ( decomposition)

Well in water (1330 g · l -1)


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Cobalt nitrate is a salt of nitric acid, made ​​up of the cobalt cation and nitrate anion. The red-brown and hygroscopic salt is typically present as hexahydrate and forms monoclinic crystals which are readily soluble in water, ethanol and other organic solvents. Above 55 ° C the hexahydrate under water discharge goes quickly into the trihydrate. Also known is a monohydrate and crystalline anhydrous salt is pale red and of a powdery consistency.


It is used in the classical inorganic analytical chemistry for the detection of zinc as Rinmans Green ( ZnCo2O4 ) and aluminum as Thenards Blue ( Al2CoO4 ) on the Magnesiarinne.

It is also used for the production of high purity cobalt and is used as a color pigment for ceramics.


Cobalt (II ) nitrate is prepared by dissolving cobalt, cobalt ( II) oxide or cobalt (II ) carbonate in diluted nitric acid.


Cobalt (II ) nitrate is crystallized, depending on the crystal water content in various crystal structures whose properties are given in the table below. The hexahydrate passes into the dihydrate at 106 ° C.


Cobalt ( II ) nitrate is carcinogenic and mutagenic and is also suspected to be teratogenic.
