Cobalt(II) oxide

  • Cobalt monoxide
  • Cobalt (II ) oxide

Olive-green solid


6.45 g · cm -3

1795 ° C

Insoluble in water ( 3.13 mg · l -1)


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Cobalt (II ) oxide is one of several oxides of the chemical element cobalt. It is an olive green, water-insoluble salt.

Production and representation

Cobalt (II ) oxide is produced when elemental cobalt in the air or cobalt ( II) nitrate, cobalt ( II) hydroxide and cobalt (II ) carbonate are heated under exclusion of air.


The compound crystallizes in the sodium chloride structure, ie, in the cubic crystal system with the space group. The lattice parameter is a = 424.9 pm, in the unit cell contains four formula units. Most come (similar to iron (II ) oxide FeO), a slight cobalt deficiency before. Dry cobalt oxide is stable, humid it can be easily oxidized to cobalt oxide CoO (OH ). Below 16 ° C, the compound is anti- ferromagnetic.

If it is heated in air at 400-500 ° C, cobalt forms (II, III ) oxide.


Cobalt (II ) oxide is used as a raw material for the production of pigments in the ceramic industry ( Thénards blue).
