Comecon (Band)

Comecon was a Swedish death metal band from Stockholm, which was founded in 1990 and disbanded in 1995.


The band was founded in 1990 by Pelle Ström and Rasmus Ekman, where they emerged from the metalcore group, which in turn was formerly known as hardcore punk band The Krixhjälters. After the band had developed the first songs, followed in 1992 by Century Media with Megatrends in Brutality the debut album, which was sung Entombed vocalist Lars Göran "LG " Petrov. Back in 1993, followed by the second album Converging Conspiracies, Martin van Drunen on the ( Asphyx, Pestilence ) took over the vocals. The recordings of this took place in the Sunlight Studios. On the third album Fable Frolic was Marc Grewe ( Morgoth ) to hear as a new singer before the band broke up.


Although Fredrik Pålsson, Anders Green and Jonas Fredriksson specified for each album as a drummer, a drum machine was used in reality. According to Robert Mueller by Metal Hammer, the band played on Megatrends In Brutality Brutal Death Metal and easy, with the guitar riffs are primitive and catchy. The band was influenced in writing the album mainly by grindcore releases from bands like Napalm Death and Bolt Thrower around the year 1988. In Converging Conspiracies, the band played loud Müller also classic Death Metal, but the bribe primarily for his intellectual lyrics.

Martin Popoff described in his book The Collector's Guide of Heavy Metal Volume 3: The Nineties regarding Megatrends In Brutality music as a faster, more aggressive version of Entombed. Petrov's singing was extremely low and would remember Grindcore. Converging Conspiracies would move towards and away more to the hardcore punk from Death Metal and drew comparisons to old works of Napalm Death. Also on Fable Frolic heard Popoff alongside influences from hardcore punk and grunge influences out. The drums sounded clean and synthetically as the Pantera.

