Conorhynchos conirostris

Conorhynchos conirostris is a species from the order of catfish -like ( Siluriformes ), which is endemic in the Rio São Francisco in Brazil. It is the only species in the monotypic genus thus Conorhynchos. The exact systematic position of the species is currently still unclear. The species has regional economic importance and is due to pollution and destruction of their habitat by dam projects as threatened.


The species attains a maximum length of about a meter and a weight of up to 13 kilograms. The barbels are very short. The under constant mouth has thick, wrinkled lips that can be pre-stretched and rolled in the resting state to the outside. The gills Reuse has numerous, densely packed spines, which cross to form a kind of filter.

Way of life

Conorhynchos conirostris feeds mainly on molluscs, insect larvae and small crustaceans that are absorbed by the soil. The way leads through hikes.


The species was variously the whiskered catfish ( Pimelodidae ) assigned. However, recent anatomical and molecular studies argue against this classification. The species is therefore currently classified in any family, but put together with the whiskered catfish, the loudmouth - whiskered catfish ( Pseudopimelodidae ) and the Heptapteridae in the superfamily Pimelodoidea.


  • Marilia de C. Brasil - Sato, Michelle D. Dos Santo: Metazoan parasites of Conorhynchos conirostris ( Valenciennes, 1840), endemic to siluriform fish of the Sao Francisco. In: Revista brasileira de parasitologia veterinaria. 14, No. 4, 2005, pp. 160-166 ( ).
  • Sirlene S. Rodrigues, Eliane Menin: Anatomia da cavidade bucofaringiana de Conorhynchos conirostris ( Valenciennes, 1840) ( Siluriformes ). In: Revista Ceres (Brasil). 52, No. 304, 2005, pp. 843-862 ( ).