Contributing editor

An editor ( " traced; fix " from Latin redigere, 2nd participle: redactum ) ( in Switzerland and in the scholarly edition being also editor ) is an employee in the press, radio, television, Internet or other media, within the the editors assume editorial duties. Often it is a journalist who edited texts or writes itself. In broadcasting, for example, the radio drama editorial, his work resembles that of a lecturer. Often the editor for a specific subject area, a department in charge. An editor is in the parlance usually a salaried journalist. He must abide by the journalistic and political guideline of the medium, which was set by the publisher.

Responsible for the departments, such as the classic such as politics, culture, and local business and sports, is the head of department; subordinate to him are several editors. Responsible for the entire editorial staff of the editor in chief or program director. Many newspaper publishers on regional subjects are summarized in a general editorial office. A relatively new form of organization is the newsdesk: In a large office sit editors that are responsible for different subject areas and plan the corresponding posts and pages. The Deskredakteure coordinate this usually also the use of reporters and local journalists. Often editors working across media, that is next to the print edition they also produce for the online and mobile version of the title.


The task of the editor is from the abundance of information that comes to the office (contributions from correspondents, journalists, volunteers and freelancers, reports from news agencies, press offices or from social media) that are of interest to readers, listeners or viewers and filter out significant contributions and prepare for the next print edition, the next shipment (radio, television) or continuously for the Internet. This must especially to the target group of the publication in the foreground and are worked out which reports or messages of interest to them are. He also acquired photos, infographics, cartoons, and audio-visual material for his portfolio. An editor also researched even by telephone, in libraries, on the Internet or in places current events, leads meetings and interviews and then write your own articles for his portfolio. Basically, the three cornerstones of the message are: new - important - interesting. Non- self-written texts are edited ( see editorial, it came to designing the label editor ). Has the print media years ago, the translator, the pages of the newspaper still set with leaden letters, so today is through the computer technology, the design (layout) of the pages are often the object of the editors, he is also for the formulations of headlines and captions, so-called short texts, in charge. The editor also works in development crews with the entire concept development for new publications (print and online ), or radio and television broadcasts.

TV editors

In large television there may be other structures above the editorial level, enter: program groups or program areas instead of the ministries. The planning editor ( planner) and the editor of the service ( RvD ) are the first morning in the newsroom. The planner evaluates the message able to research topics, and to send the editors or reporters to the scene. The managing editor ( managing editor ) is responsible for all messages or broadcasts of the day and is responsible for the content design of the main output. The editors received from the disposition of a film crew (EB- Team). Discuss with the cameraman the editorial content and the possibilities of feasibility in pictures. The television editor mastered basic knowledge of camera work and most of the digital image section. In contrast to the print media and radio, the television editor must think in pictures. Each television program is a collaboration of the editor with the cameraman, EB technicians and the cutter. In some newsrooms, it is common that the editor speaks the text ( voice-over ) for his contribution.


Not to be confused is the job description of an editor with the technical editor.

He also distinguishes itself in journalism from the duties of a reporter who obtains information on the spot, with a predominant care of his own contribution, while the editor reserves the topics and news reports as well as the entire media product in mind.


Editing is the generic term for those journalistic activities which aim to make from the material received a substantive and formal unity. Editing is for selecting, editing and presentation of the material in the form appropriate to the medium. The editing is reduced to the essentials, texts are understandable and tailored to the target group. The following improvements are sought:

  • Content: accuracy of facts, meaning
  • Formal: construction, spelling, grammar, punctuation
  • Linguistic- stylistic: word choice, clarity

And in the online space in addition:

  • Create relationships
  • Install links as enrichment

Editing is more than checking spelling and grammar. In real editing all the activities of journalists can be found from planning through research and writing through to the fitting of texts in the layout again. The quality of a text depends critically on a careful and professionally implemented corrective process. He also determines the credibility. Ideally, editing in any online editorial team should be a well-established working technique. It has become naturalized in the online editorial practice that is first published, in order subsequently to correct the lyrics. This approach relies on timeliness and saves valuable time, however, the credibility of the text is placed in the background. Many semi - professional or PR - oriented sources, such as clubs, associations and political parties, would require a lot of expertise, easier, which often does not exist, however. A study of media content showed that only 57.2 % of respondents checked the validity of the content. To make matters worse, that even when considering the spelling there is great uncertainty due to the new official regulations. Editing is also the technical term for content and linguistic revision of the text in the newspaper. This revision takes place in the newsroom.

Five aspects that should be observed when editing:

At the same time pay attention to all five aspects is difficult. The corrector is to state what aspects he should consider primarily. In addition, the target audience and purpose statement of the text it should be known. In some cases it is also advisable to provide the corrector additional material such as sources or text templates. For this reason, targeted communication for every successful correction process is absolutely necessary. To ensure the timely publication of the article, the corrector is a time limit must be set. It should be noted that it will allow sufficient time for careful consideration. Are too many people involved in the correction process, the work is inefficient.

Thus, the correction process as effective and time-saving expires, the appropriate correctors should be chosen depending on the problem or topic of the article. The supervisory authority varies from editors to editors, but usually come following four wheels in question:

  • Editors
  • Editors with special function or position in the editor ( Text of director )
  • Editors with special abilities ( expertise, experience in journalism )
  • In the online sector editing is often ( recognizable trend towards decentralization ) to the outside, where

Situation in Germany

Editor is not a protected occupational title, but a professional image. The editor is employed as a rule and takes in an editorial of tasks, but usually has to order or to make certain freedoms, texts or posts. These are dealt with by him and is accountable to the editors. The career usually results in an internship or visiting a school of journalism to free activities, which may lead to employment or a term or project contract.

When it is paid according to collective agreement, the editor receives a fixed salary, the minimum rate is set in the collective salary agreement. It applies only if the employer and employee are bound tariff. The collective bargaining agreement regulates the working hours, holiday entitlement, pension and more.

The history of the press begins with the Fuggerzeitungen, see main article history of the press. In Germany, the editor of Law was enacted in 1933, see also History of the press in National Socialism.
