
As Crescentii a document emanating from the Sabina, a Roman noble family is called, which in the 10th and 11th centuries, at times had great influence in Rome and the papacy. The name of the family is not contemporary, but has been derived as a research assistant designation of the frequently occurring in the family name Crescentius.

As leader of the Roman national policy Crescentii were competing with the Emperor friendly Tusculans. In times of declining imperial influence, the noble family had all the power over Rome and brought with John XIII. ( 965-972 ) one of its members to the papal chair. Base of Crescentii was the Castel Sant'Angelo.

Significant representatives

  • Crescentius de Theodora was Patricius of Rome. He rushed 973 the imperial Pope Benedict VI. and set up the anti-pope Boniface VII. 980 he submitted to Emperor Otto II and became a monk at the Aventine.
  • Crescentius I. Nomentanus was opponent of Emperor Otto III. He was involved in the fall of 984 by Pope John XIV, which Pope Boniface was reinstated. When he 997 again the antipope John XVI. proteges, besieged and conquered imperial troops Castel Sant'Angelo. Crescentius I. Nomentatus was captured and executed on April 26, 998.
  • John II Crescentius, son of John I. Crescentius Nomentanus was Patricius of Rome. After the death of Emperor Otto III. and Pope Sylvester II, he brought the papacy under his rule.