Cross fleury

In the lily cross all four crossing arms are occupied with the stylized lily and directly form the cross. Because the lily, which is seated a bar, Glaive - Glaive Polearm from the - is called, one also speaks of Glevenkreuz. Whether it is described as such, is less a question of the exact representation, but the origin or meaning of the sign. Specific applications are found lily cross in heraldry. Here it is known as a common figure.

Forms and History

The shape of the middle sheet ranges from oblong- lanzettfömig floral pronounced leaf shapes in relation to the flower of the lily, with far thrown back side sheets to the blade of the glaive nachgestalteten shapes, and can also be replaced by forms like a cross.

Order of Knights

As a religious symbol it has been donated in 1156 for a Castilian military orders. It is the Order of Knights of Alcantara. This cross is colored green. The Cross of the Order of Calatrava is colored red. Both crosses are also identified with the religious name: Calatravakreuz and Alcantara cross.

Order of Calatrava

Ordem Avis

Constantinian Cross ( IHSV, Chi Rho, Alpha and Omega )

Inquisition and Kirchenheraldik

Since the 14th century it is the emblem of the Inquisition, and goes from there to about the coat of arms of the Dominicans over ( the one next to the coat coat of arms, the top, use ). The Dominican Cross is a crocheted ändertes lilies end cross heraldic point of view.


  • Is a cross arm pointed, it is referred to with lily cross slot, such as the red ragwort. The forming the tip of the arm is facing down and is often compared to the other arms much longer.
  • If the cross- designated as tray, it becomes the lilies saltire.
  • If the arms of the cross extended, there arises the lilies end cross. Here are the stylized lilies only at the ends of the cross as an ornamental.


On Écu au Soleil, Paris, 1498

In the circle crest of Heinberg

Maria Wörth
