
25.0572224121.5117931Koordinaten: 25 ° 3 ' N, 121 ° 31' O Dadaocheng (Chinese大稻埕, Pinyin Dadaocheng, W.-G. Ta -tao -ch'eng, Twatutia ) is the name of an ancient settlement in Taipei. The area is now incorporated into and forms a separate district, located in Datong District.

In addition, there were Dadaocheng off Taiwan Japanese colonial period, two further settlements in what is now Taipei: Mengjia (now Wanhua ) and Dalongdong.

Dadaocheng means " a place for drying rice in the sun ". From hearsay is known that in 1853 many people due to the civil strife "Ding Xia Jiao - Pin (顶 下 郊 拼) " in Mengjia fled to Dalongdong, but the residents of Dalongdong this would not receive so that they continue fled to Dadaocheng.

Because the transport conditions deteriorated on the Danshui River, the tea market but expanded the business center of Mengjia was moved to Dadaocheng where the international transactions were handled in Taiwan. Here was the center in northern Taiwan until the water transport was displaced from land transport.

  • Place on Taiwan
  • Taipei