
Damníkov ( German Thomigsdorf, formerly Tommesdoff, Schtoaschleppa, Schtongeraita and 1304 Tamichsdorf ) is a municipality with 707 inhabitants in the Czech Republic.


Damníkov is located in Pardubice Region (Czech Republic ) south west of the city Lanškroun on both sides of Locust creek, which flows into the Moravian Sázava. The place is located east of Nice Hengster back at an old passport and extends approximately four miles from west to east, where it merges almost seamlessly into the community Luková.

Neighboring towns are Rudoltice in the north, Lanškroun in the northeast, Luková in the east, Rychnov na Moravě in the southeast, Květná, Trpík and Anenská Studánka in the south, the west and Třebovice Rybnik in the northwest.


The place was first mentioned in documents as Tamichsdorf in 1304, given away as King Wenceslas II various lands to the Cistercian monastery of King's Hall ( Zbraslav ). 1402 Tamichsdorf is managed by the Augustinian monastery in Lanškroun.

1843, the place had 1425 inhabitants, 1910 there were 1255 inhabitants and 1930 lived 993 inhabitants in Damníkov.


In previous Thomigsdorf 1921 Richard Frodl was born, the lieutenant general of the Bundeswehr.
