Daniela Giordano

Daniela Giordano ( born November 7, 1947 in Palermo) is an Italian actress.


Giordano began her film career in the late sixties, after she had been particularly interested in the school for artistic subjects. It was in 1966 the Miss Sicily and then voted Miss Italy. The title of Miss Europe, which was conferred in 1967, they refused, saying they no longer wanted to comply with the associated obligations.

In the same year her acting debut alongside Franco & Ciccio, I barbieri di Sicilia, which many use films followed, in which they had to meet female role stereotypes. Up to the 1980s, she was also occasionally seen in television productions; various works followed even later. In the season 2001/2002 she served on the Stage Ensemble Gabriele Lavia.

Hauotsächlich but Giordano worked as a journalist since 1980, where she focused on paranormal phenomena. She was awarded the 1999 Donald E. Keyhoe Journalism Prize.

The same name, born in 1965, actress is not related to her.


Filmography (selection)
