David Brainerd

David Brainerd ( born April 20, 1718, Haddam (Connecticut ); † October 9, 1747 in Northampton ( Massachusetts)) was an American missionary among the North American Indians.

At the age of 21, he began studying at Yale University, but he had to end with a reference from the university after three years. Later, the University named the Brainerd Hall at Yale Divinity School after him; it is the only building on campus that is named after a referenced by the university students.

Brainerd could produce only a few conversions, but he is best known for books that were written about him. His diary was published in 1746 by the Scottish Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Jonathan Edwards wrote An Account of the Life of the Late Rev. David Brainerd, which is mainly based on the diaries of David Brainerd and a classic of missionary biographies was. A new edition of the diary and letters Brainerd was published in 1822 by Sereno E. Dwight. In 1884 appeared The Memoirs of David Brainerd, edited by James M. Sherwood.

" And now I can, I think, say, on the whole rightly, that all signs and evidence of a remarkable work of grace among these Indians are here, which you could want or reasonably expected. May the great authors of these works the same here and promote preserve and spread everywhere until the whole earth with his glory is! Amen. "
