Default Mode Network

As Default Mode Network (English, DMN, dt, awareness network 'or' resting state network ' ) refers to a group of brain regions that are active when doing nothing and being disabled when solving problems. The resting activity of these brain regions can be detected with fMRI (especially Resting state fMRI ), PET, EEG and MEG.

The activity of these brain regions is correlated. Therefore, this group is understood by synchronously active regions of the brain as a network. The network can be described by the mathematical tools graph theory.

Among the involved brain regions include the medial prefrontal cortex, Praecuneus, parts of the cingulate gyrus and - tied weaker - the superior parietal lobule of the parietal lobe and the hippocampus.

The DMN is among other active (s), if a person daydreams, makes plans for the future, etc.

In many neurological and psychiatric disorders, including in Alzheimer 's disease, it has been found changes in DMN.
