Delaware Legislative Hall

The Delaware State Capitol houses the Delaware General Assembly. The General Legislative Hall as well-known building is located in the Court Street in Dover, capital of Delaware. Although it looks like a building from the colonial period, the building was only completed during the global economic crisis in 1933.

Visitors can visit the State Capitol by appointment. Guided tours depend on the availability of staff.

Delaware's Old State House is now a museum and is located in the old town of Dover. The building was originally commissioned by the Kent County Courthouse as commissioned and built from 1787 to 1791. The government of Kent County and the State of Delaware shared the building from 1791, when the name to " The State House " has been changed to 1873., The state use the building until 1933, when the General Assembly moved in the Legislative Hall.

The State House was rebuilt to its original state and the former chambers of the laws of the State. The chamber of the House of Representatives contains painted by Thomas Sully portraits of Commodore Jacob Jones and Commodore Thomas Macdonough, heroes of Delaware, who served in the war of 1812.
