Dick Laan

Dick Laan ( born December 18, 1894 in Wormerveer; † 6 October 1973, Heemstede ) was a Dutch children's book author and film pioneer, which has become known primarily for his fingerling books.


Dick Laan, son of a licorice factory turned, his first film in 1917. In total, there were over 50 feature films and documentaries.

But he became known as an author of fingerling books. 1939 appeared the first volume of " Pünckelchens Adventure ", 1972, the last story was published. The fingerling stories have been translated into many languages. In 1978 an episode directed by Harrie Geelen was filmed.


  • De Aventuren van Pinkeltje. German: Pünkelchens adventure. Herald Publishing Brück, Stuttgart 1955, DNB 452,666,252th (1974, ISBN 3-7767-0080-7 )
  • German Lise Guest: Pünkelchens adventure. All small and large children retold. dtv junior, Munich 1973, ISBN 3-423-07085-4.