
Ordinary fork -moss ( Dicranum scoparium )

The Dicranales are an order of mosses.


The order is very rich in species. Since the types are built vegetatively very different, they can be characterized only with difficulty. Thus, the protonema, the plants only a few millimeters or even decimeter can be persistent or short-lived, to be large. There are usually akrokarpe Moose with predominantly narrow lanceolate leaves. Often the leaves are stripped even from a basic oval to a long pfriemenförmige tip. The cells of the leaf blade are rectangular or square and only a few cases papillose. The leaves of all species have a rib.

The sporophytes are relatively uniformly built. The Seta is upright. The capsule is hemispherical to cylindrical. Most species have a " dicranoides " peristome of 16 different deeply divided, lanceolate teeth there. These are striped across at the bottom, at the top papillate.


The order is cosmopolitan spread. Most species live epigeal ( on the ground). The epiphytic lifestyle of some groups is considered to be derived.

Systematics and evolution

Already from the Permian are known dicranale mosses with complicated ribs similar Campylopus. The extant genus Campylopodium is already known from the Upper Cretaceous, the oldest extant species (representatives of Campylopus and Campylopodiella ) from the Tertiary.

The order comprises 16 families:

  • Amphidiaceae
  • Aongstroemiaceae
  • Bruchiaceae
  • Calymperaceae
  • Dicranaceae
  • Dicranellaceae
  • Ditrichaceae Ceratodon Purpurstieliges horn -moss ( Ceratodon purpureus )