Districts of Bhutan

The Administrative Division comprises 20 districts of Bhutan ( Dzongkha: Dzongkhag ). In seven of the 20 districts there are Subdistrikte ( Dungkhag ), between one and three per district.

The further division is made in block ( Dzongkha: Gewog ), although not all Gewogs a district belonging to a sub-district, and partly in further Chiwogs to which villages are united in the districts.

The Kingdom of Bhutan has been at the top level initially into four zones ( Dzongkha: Dzongdey ) divided. This structure is no longer officially used. The zones were Eastern, Southern, Central and Western.

In total there or have there been so six levels of administration:

  • 4 zones ( Dzongdey, historically )
  • 20 districts ( Dzongkhag )
  • 31 Subdistrikte ( Dungkhag, partially )
  • 201 block ( Gewog ) and 61 cities
  • Chiwogs ( partially? )
  • Villages

Overview of the districts

Only seven districts have sub- districts ( dungkhag ), and in only one ( Sarpang ) form the sub- districts a comprehensive breakdown.

On 26 April 2007, the Lhamozingkha Dungkhag ( sub-district ) was formally handed over to the Sarpang Dzongkhag Dagana Dzongkhag. This was three Gewog ( Lhamozingkha, Deorali and Nichula ( Zinchula ) and the city Lhamozingkha ), which formed the western part of the Sarpang Dzongkhag and now form the southernmost part of Dagana Dzongkhag. This change is not reflected in the table above.

Statistical information on the zones
