Don't Dream It's Over

Do not Dream It's Over is a song by Crowded House from 1987, which was written by Neil Finn and Mitchell Froom produced by. It appeared in the album Crowded House.


In the song, the subjects reality and freedom are treated.

Do not Dream It's Over was released on January 2, 1987 worldwide, in the countries of Canada and New Zealand, the song was a number -one hit.

Since the publication you heard the new wave / college rock ballad in many television shows such as Beverly Hills, 90210 and Summerland Beach. Also in the episode Hard Rock Miami Vice, in the episode carriage with obstacles of American Dad, as well as in the film adaptation of The Stand was the song its use.

Music Video

The music video contains some surreal special effects like floating plate or to outwardly winding film roll. At the beginning of the video Neil Finn sitting on his bed and a floating plate breaks before he sings. Then he gets up and runs into another room while he plays guitar. There, Paul Hester looks at a picture book and plays a movie projector and a movie from a cotton candy and a film reel will be shown. In another scene, the band cleans a room then Nick Seymour looks through a telescope and Neil runs with his guitar over. Then Nick also plays an organ, leafing through a book, afterwards enters Neil Finn also a kitchen. In this breakfast is provided, and Paul Hester ironed incidentally laundering. Subsequently, Crowded House find in a garage again. At the end of Neil Finn leaves this.

Cover versions
