Donje Moštre transmitter

The transmitter Donje Mostre was a medium-wave transmitter of BHRT in Donje Mostre, a village in the municipality of Visoko in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These were the strongest transmitter for broadcasting in Bosnia, ( transmit power up to 600 kilowatts) whose signals could be received across Europe on the frequency 612 kHz at night. The station had two self-radiating transmission towers as an antenna. The highest of the two towers is 250 meters high, making it one of the tallest structures in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The transmission system is owned by the state.

Since 26 February 2010, the transmitter is switched off. This is due to the high operating costs of the station. Another reason for the shutdown is the high damage to the transmitter, which was created in the Bosnian War in the 1990s and a restoration would have made necessary. Therefore, the sender was unable to fulfill his duties to the desired extent. Because of the high restoration costs but they decided against a restoration.
