Dōtō Expressway

Template: Infobox trunk road / maintenance / JP -A


  • Hokkaidō

The Doto Expressway (Japanese道 东 自动 车道, Doto jidōshadō, dt " East Hokkaido Highway " ) is a highway in Japan. The highway is equipped with 1 × 2 lanes and forms an east -west route on the northern island of Hokkaido, Chitose south of Sapporo to Kushiro, a major city on the eastern part of Hokkaido. The road is 201 km long.

Street Description

In the city of Chitose south of Sapporo, Doto Expressway begins at an intersection with the Hokkaido Expressway. The highway is a 1 × 2- lane road, which means that the road overpasses, but only one carriageway has two lanes. The road runs to the east by a flat area. The hills are up to 1900 meters high and the area is heavily forested with only a few places. This section also has a series of tunnels, including the Honbetsu tunnel, which is 4332 m long and the Daiichi - Karikachi - Tunnes, which is 2351 m long and 626 meters above sea level is the highest point on the highway on Hokkaidō. Then the city Obihiro followed by a flat agricultural component and the road turns here to the northeast. The main line is called Nemuro - route (根 室 线, Nemuro - sen). In Honbetsu shares of which the Abashiri route (网 走 线, Abashiri - sen), which from Ashoro to Kitami Street (北 见 道路, Kitami - doro ) is, in turn, is a bypass of National Highway 39. East of Honbetsu the road passes through a mountainous area. The route will end at the port city of Kushiro.


The Doto Expressway is relatively new. On 30 October 1995, the first part at Tokachi - Shimizu opened in the middle part. On July 10, followed in 1999, the western part of Hokkaido Expressway from Chitose to Yubari. On 15 March 2003, the part opened in Obihiro, whereby the traffic did not have to be passed through the city. Later that year, on June 8, the section was opened in Honbetsu. In 2009, some parts between chitosan and Obihiro were opened. The highway is not yet fully developed.

Opening the data highway


Further east, the highway ends at Urahoro. A further extension of the port city of Kushiro is under construction. In 2015, the open part between Shiranuka to be completed over to Kushiro Akan. The final link between Urahoro and Shiranuka where a long tunnel is being built is expected to open in 2014. The Doto Expressway then has a length of 258 kilometers.


The volume of traffic on the highway Doto is very low, which necessitates no further expansion to a 2 × 2 highway. The busiest point is at the Hokkaido Expressway, where 2,500 vehicles per day drive to start. This drops to 1600 vehicles in Obihiro, 600 vehicles per day in Honbetsu.

Expansion of roadways
