Dubislav Gneomar von Natzmer

Dubislav Gneomar of Natzmer (* 1654 in Gutzmin ( Pol. today Chocimino ) Schlawe (now Sławno ) in Pomerania, † May 13, 1739 in Berlin ) was a Prussian field marshal.


He comes to the ancient family of Natzmer, Pomeranian nobility Kashubian origin, which was already mentioned in 1202, and was the son of the chief administrative officer Schlawer Joachim Heinrich von Natzmer († 1671) and his wife Barbara, born of Weyer. Dubislav joined as a young boy in Dutch and only 1677 kurbrandenburgische services as a lieutenant in the " elite squadron of Dragoons " Lieutenant Colonel Joachim Ernst von Grumbkow. This force should later than 1st Silesian Leib- Cuirassier Regiment "Great Elector " (location: Wroclaw ) exist until 1918 and in addition to the jobs created by Natzmer Regiment Gensdarmes and apply his successors as the grandest regiment of the Prussian cavalry. Natzmer took part in the siege of Stettin and the subsequent battles against the Swedes, from time to time as an aide George of Derfflingers. In 1680 he was Staff Captain in 1686 and fought with distinction against the Turks. After the war, he was appointed Adjutant-General to the Great Elector.

Natzmer now given the task of forming a new regiment, which he created from German nobles and the name Grands Mousquetaires received (later Gensdarmes ). He was a lieutenant colonel in the first commander of this force and later fought with her in Holland for the Prince of Orange, then against the French on the Rhine, Brabant, Luxembourg and Flanders. 1696 Natzmer had been promoted to major general. In the First Battle of Blenheim in 1703 he was taken prisoner, but released soon afterwards. During the Second Battle of Blenheim in 1704 he commanded the Prussian cavalry, and was severely wounded. Now, Lieutenant General, he fought with distinction at the Battle of Malplaquet and the Battle of Oudenaarde. 1714 Natzmer Knight of the Black Eagle Order, after the conquest of Stralsund, he was appointed general of the cavalry and eventually promoted to Field Marshal in 1728.

1730 contributed to his fearless demeanor and his moderating influence to the fact that his son Frederick William I - the later Frederick II - not as strictly punished for his attempt to escape, as he had originally intended.


Natzmer was married twice, his first wife in 1687 with Sophie Tugendreich of Wreech ( 1650-1688 ), a maid of honor of kurprinzessin Sophie Charlotte of Brandenburg and sister of the later General Joachim Friedrich von Wreech. She died giving birth to her first child, who also died.

His second wife was married in November 1704 Charlotte Justine von Gersdorff, widowed Countess of Zinzendorff († 1763). She was the Saxon Privy Council Nikol von Gersdorff (1629-1702) daughter. The couple had two sons: Carl Dubislav († 1737) and Heinrich Ernst ( † 1739 ). Both were unmarried and died before his father, so that the Pomeranian line which went out of Natzmer. The family, however, had spread and came into the market, to Saxony and Silesia, where they owned several estates. 1806 served ten Natzmers in the Prussian army and had high positions held.

From the centuries-long interaction of Natzmer family in Pomerania witness two place names in the area of Schlawe and Labes: Naćmierz Slawienski ( Natzmershagen ) 15 km north of Schlawe and Nacmierz ( Natzmersdorf ) at Labes.
