Einar Gausel

Einar Johan Gausel ( born November 30, 1963) is a Norwegian chess player.

Gausel 1988 International Master and 1995, as the third Norwegian grandmaster. He won the 1992, 1996 and 2001, the Norwegian Chess Championship.

Einar Gausel played in seven Chess Olympiads for Norway, namely 1988, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 2002 and 2006; it three times ( 1992, 1994 and 2002) on the first board. In these seven tournaments he played a total of 75 games ( 26 wins draw, 29 and 20 defeats) with a score of 40.5 points.

Einar Gausel, who plays for the chess society Oslo (Oslo Schakselskap ), maintains a very solid, positional style and writes to this day the chess column in Dagbladet.

His Elo rating is 2500 (as of September 2012), he is so in sixth place of the Norwegian Elo ranking. His highest Elo rating was 2555 in January 1998.
