Eino Kaila

Eino Sakari Kaila ( born August 9, 1890 in Alajärvi; † August 1, 1958 in Kirkkonummi ) was a Finnish philosopher, psychologist, critic and teacher.


Kaila was a representative of the described by Ludwig Wittgenstein, Bertrand Russell and AN Whitehead logical empiricism. Among his pupils was also Georg Henrik von Wright. Kaila was close to the positivist -oriented Vienna Circle. In the field of psychology have his perception and developmental psychological research Kaila than representatives of Gestalt psychology. In the field of logic, the philosopher concerned with problems of deduction, induction and probability

Selected Works

  • Object color and lighting. Psychological Research, 1924, 3, 18-59.
  • The localization of objects during eye movements. Psychological Research, 1924, 3, 60-77.
  • The reactions of the infant to the human face. Annales Universitatis Aboensis, B -XVII. Turku 1932.
  • The Finnish State University by three hundred years. Helsinki: Otava Kustannusosakeyhtiö 1940
  • The perceptual and conceptual components of everyday experience. Helsinki: Akateeminen Kirjakauppa 1962
  • Reality and experience. Four philosophical essays. Dordrecht [ inter alia ]: Reidel 1979
  • Terminal causality as the basis of a unitary concept of nature. A natural-philosophical investigation. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Kirjapaino 1956
  • About the system of concepts of reality. A contribution to logical empiricism. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjapaino Oy 1936

Eino Kaila About

  • Jääskeläinen, M. ( 1981): Gestalt Theory in the Psychology of Eino Kaila. Figure Theory, 3, 3 /4, 244 - 254